Here are some pics of this lovely place. Starting with the fish pond.
Block Nipah from the visitors car park. One thing I really love about this place... there are ample car parks. You won't find residents parking illegally outside the condo in the evenings... something which we are beginning to see happen at Seri Maya next door.
This is my unit. A one bedroom 755sf. There are only 24 such units in Kampung Warisan.
The restaurant.... my opinion? the food here sucks and expensive. Better take the LRT to Sri Rampai and eat at Jusco.
The thick foliage off my balcony...
More greenery off my balcony... I swear I saw a squirrel!
Back to the pool. This block consists of the most desired units, all 3 and 4 bedroom units facing the swimming pool.
Now for the interior... since this place is so "kampung", I decided to go Kampung with the interior. I think the cream wall goes very well with the white ceiling skirting and lots of wood. If you like modern furniture, this is not the place. One of the neighbours had modern ikea furniture with vertical blinds for the windows.
As you walk in through the main door, there is this teak wood cabinet on your left. I would use it as a shoe rack but I think not many people have as many shoes as I do.

Before anyone start accusing me of doing some marketing for Kampung Warisan and it's developer, Eastern and Oriental, I would like to add some negative points:
1. Termites - some of the common areas badly infected and the management don't seem to be doing anything about it as it has been there since November last year when I first noticed it
2. Traffic Jam - The Jalan Jelatek/Ampang access to Kampung Warisan can be very slow during peak hours. The LRT is jam pack like sardines as well. The trick is to get on the train to the opposite direction till you reach the last station and change the train. This might add hours to your travel
3. Mosquitoes and other creepy insects - oh my god, plenty of it!
4. It's almost 10 years old - stuffs are falling apart. Being a 2nd hand buyer, you also need to pay people to rip old built-ins apart and cart furnitures/fittings away
Bro, how much is the smallest unit?
I will be moving to KL in late July to take up a teaching position. I currently live in Adelaide, South Australia. I have been looking at rental sites online for months now, and Kampung Warisan is one I like the look of because I am keen to have space and greenery around me, and not to live in a high density development if possible. Your notes about the apartment you own there are so honest and interesting - especially your comments about the mosquitoes and the termites! My school will be supporting me in my search for a home but I am going to keep looking at your site as it is so helpful. Btw, real estate in Adelaide is booming as we are on the cusp of a huge mining boom. If there is any way I can reciprocate and give you some information about Adelaide, please let me know.
hi Karen,
thanks for your compliments. my sister lives in melbourne and my cousins in perth. they made me regret i did not invest in australian property 5 years ago. back then, i had a chance to put the 10% deposits on some choice properties in perth. i did not. not only did the aussie dollar almost double in value, the property upon completion almost tripled in value. i am still hitting my head. however, it seems to me property prices in australia has peaked and there are signs of a downward trend. is this the case?
i have not checked the site for ages and did not realise you had replied - my apologies.
In response to your question, yes, I believe real estate prices have peaked for the time being and that if we can believe what we hear in the media lately, they are set to flatten out a little. However, with oil prices surging over here, the attraction of property that is close to city centres doesn't seem to diminish, so my advice would be that if you want to purchase Australian property, but close to a big city centre and you can't lose.
Only 3 weeks till I leave for KL now, lots to do, and I am hoping that I will be able to find an apartment without much delay.
Kind regards,
I am keen to invest in either Kg Warisan and Bukit Ceylon area. My friends advise me that Bukit Ceylon is a better bet to the demographics of the Jelatek area. Can you share your thoughts as your are familar with both. Thanks
Your friend is right but the entry cost in Bukit Ceylon is too high now and hence, returns low. Jelatek area is still affordable although returns are also low but demand is lower. For example, Sri Maya has 1400 units in there and everyday, the classifieds are full of Seri Maya units for sale or rent. I am attracted to Kampung Warisan because it is very niche. There are less than 240 units in that 15 acres and there is no other development in KL with such low density and probably there will never be.
Many thanks for the quick reply and the great pics of Kg Warisan. Yes it is unique and hopefully things will get better with improvements to the LRT as per the budget. I am still keen to get a stake bukit ceylon and hopefully you can put up articles on Menara Antara and the abandoned old type town houses there. cheers
Quite a lot of activities in Bukit Ceylon at the moment. Verticas by Wing Tai Asia is expected to be launched later this year. Vida Soho and the project by UMland/MMC JV will be launched 1st quarter 2009. Much will depend on their pricing. In fact, I put off buying a unit in Menara Bukit Ceylon because I am waiting for their price announcement. If it's beyond RM1000psf as much speculated, I will go for one of the older developments. Menara Antara is a good choice - good demand, low capital entry and high rental yield.
hey. is this still open for rent? how much.
will be in kl for an internship.
Dear Sin Leong
I have a one unit apartment in Kg Warisan which i am renting out. Used to stay there when I first bought it and i love the place.
Would like to keep in touch with you as I am also into property investment..
From advertised price and agent for Kg warisan for 3+1 room (1540sqft) is currently around R560K. For investment, is it wise to buy based on that price you think the price would appreciate in the future or already saturated......ur kind advise, please.....
Dear Sin Leong,
I am looking into buying either 2 plus study or a 3 bedroom unit in Kg Warisan. Do you know of any agents marketing units for sale?
Visited Kg Warisan more than a year ago but didn't like the units that I saw.
The kitchen and bathrooms are rather dated but am willing to renovate them.
I like the concept of rural living in the centre (almost) of town. Would really appreciate your feedback. Please reply to
Many thanks and best regards,
Lisha Holland
Kg Warisan is so low density and not many (nice) units are up for sale. So, most agents tend to overlap. There are 3 active agents there, others come and go. they are Raymond, Betty and Catherine. The 1st 2 own units there themselves. If you are buying one for own stay, I recommend that you look for those facing the pool. They are about 30%-40% more expensive but well worth the value. These units are hard to come by, so you must be prepared to wait.
pen boy said...
Hi all,
I have an Duplex apartment in Block Melur (3+2 @ 1350 sqft - fully furnished) and I'm planning to rent it out sometime March/April next year (2010).
If anyone is interested for viewing you can definitely give me a call at xxxx
December 28, 2009 7:54 PM
Penboy, congratulations in your blok melur unit. please do not post advertisments in this blog. thanks
oh sorry mate, please accept my apologies..
hi Sinleong,
nice post! would you mind summarising the different types of unit available in Kg Warisan?
Are all 1400sqft units duplex?
as far as i know, there are 4 types - 1br, 2br, 2+1br duplex and 3br. There are also a few variants of the 3 br units. the 3br units are all 1500sf and up
Dear Sin Leong,
I am looking to invest in Jelatek area, and as I am looking at entry level condos, would you please give your comments on Lanai Gurney and Palladium condo? These are still within the RM250-350k range.
Btw I really admire what you did to your Kg Warisan unit.
hi Haruki,
neither Lanai nor Paladium are located in Jelatek area. I dont know much about them sorry...
hi Sin Leong
Is it still worth the while buying Kg Warisan unit (1540sft melur block) for rent? A FF unit would cost RM680k.
Also for own stay, I work in Jln Sultan Ismail, husband in Jln Dewn Bahasa. Would it be jam going and coming from work? Worth the hassle, ah?
hi, after my last tenant moved out, my mom and i went to stay at kg warisan. she never liked the place for she complained it's very dim. however, after staying 1 night she went back home to get her astro card and stayed for the rest of the week until we rented it out again. the air is fresh every morning and atmosphere really cooling due to the greenery. the traffic however is really bad in the morning and evening. but i used the lrt and traveled off-peak as the lrt also gets quite packed during rush hour. i worked in menara imc until we moved to KL sentral recently so i got off at the dang wangi lrt - just 15 mins into work. i think if you talk to any kg warisan residents they will tell you how great this place is but that is if you can live with mosquitoes and also bear in mind that some units are not so good - so please ensure the unit you are buying gets plenty of natural light.
Thanks for your feedback, Sin Leong. Seen a few units there - so far don't think there is any one which utilises natural light without having to switch on lights.
How's maintenance like? Seems as high as that at Suasana Sentral Loft but at Loft there is spa, mini theatre, common room with newspaper facility, sky lounge, full CCTV monitoring service..
There are hundreds of condos like the Sentral Loft you just mentioned. And at least 4-5 similar ones in the same location. But, there is only one and can only be one Kampung Warisan in KL. With the land prices like this now, you will never find any developer who will be able to replicate a Kg Warisan at this price...
Sin Leong
Is there a way out to town instead of using Jln Jelatek? I notice google map seems to show a way from Seri Maya to Jln Tun Razak via Jalan Bukit Keramat and Gurney. Was wondering if this might be an answer to traffic jam..
Also, I saw unit which I like but a bit rundown esp the bathrooms and kitchen. Would you know rennovation contact people? Where do you get your marble tiles, ah? Yes, I'm totally new to diy/contractors hunt in Malaysia. If you know any good reasonable contractors, wouldn't mind a good recommendation.
everywhere in KL is jam during rush hour. can u name a neighbourhood which is not jam? u can use the AKLEH or DUKE highway to get out too but u'll get stuck somewhere else.
actually if the unit is run-down it's not so bad. it gives u the opportunity to nego n hack anything off without guilt when u renovate. but if the unit is damp n dark, give it a pass... it's hard to find anyone wanting to sell a good unit in kg warisan. so those who want to sell usually has a good reason to n u dont want to inherit their problems
Hi Sin Leong!
First of all, bravo on your blog! Loving it.
I'm actually in progress of either buying a 1404 sf unit or 1358 sf unit in kg warisan. They are both located in tanjung block lvl 4. Before i take this leap, could you advise if:
-the block is ok
-you mentioned about adequate lighting, does it apply to this block?
-anything about this block that I should know beforehand?
Would really appreciate your feedback as this is quite an expensive investment. Thanks Sinleong.
Sin Leong, do you think RM850k for a FF 1540sft facing pool unit is a fair price?
it's hard to deal with fair price when these are once in a while opportunities to buy. so, it's entirely willing buyer, willing seller... you may well find that you wont get the valuation of RM850k when applying for bank loan. and if you visit the unit, you may well fall in love with it. so, are u willing to pay RM850k is the question.
hi sinleong - do you see the rental of kg warisan going up in the next few years once the refurbishment work is completed?
how about capital appreciation for the one bedroom which is scarce for this development?
i can see rental going up for the 1br and the duplex due to limited units in the market. however the 3br units shouldn't move much unless they have a good view. indeed the 1br units prices have doubled in the past 5 years. i think there is further room for appreciation in the mid term 5-6 years as we are now seeing studio units being launched in the ampang hilir area for no less than RM1000psf
thanks sinleong - i have been getting some calls lately for rental of 1 BR..and they are enquiries from potentially good tenants so that really augurs well for Kg Warisan..
so have decided to keep mine for now though am "bleeding' with the payment of maintenance and levy ..
how can u be bleeding when u r collecting rent??
Hi sinleong, there is an offer for an original condition duplex for 660k. Do you think I can get good bank valuation for it? Also what is the rent like for this kind of unit?
Hi sinleong, there is an offer for an original condition duplex for 660k. Do you think I can get good bank valuation for it? Also what is the rent like for this kind of unit?
wow..this used to be 450k 4 years ago. im not sure about the valuation now. i think you can get about 2.5k to 3k for rental
Sin Leong
Regarding bank valuation, would I know only when I submit a bank loan form? I would like to offer for a property (not Kg Warisan, but can also be Kg Warisan), how would I know what the bank valuation is before making an offer without having to apply for loan first? Or should I apply loan first?
even if you apply for the loan, the bank will require you to pay for the valuation. so why dont you just engage a firm to value your property 1st. another way is to get the latest transacted values from the stamping office
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