Whatever 2009 brings, I don't think anyone of us will be able to predict but one thing for sure, we will not be able to see major increases. We can be sure that Malaysia will go into deeper recession (although our Government is still in denial that we are already in recession), thousands become retrenched and many businesses will close. Thousands of expatriates goes home, leaving the rental market into oversupply and free fall. That, I think we can be very sure about.
Although I cannot predict what is going to happen, I think one of the following scenarios will occur:
1. Interest rates goes up - thousands of purchasers, especially speculators will be burnt and forced to sell below cost or go into bankruptcy. Property prices plummet as a result
2. Interest rates goes down - the government tries to flush money out into the market to revive the economy. Suddenly, money in the bank has become a liability. Inflation at more than 10% forces thousands of cash rich people to spend their money in tangible investments - gold, commodities, properties... Not forgetting that tenants are on the decline, the rental market depreciates, high costs of maintenance and installments kicks in. At the same time, many speculators and property owners who are wage earners get retrenched or for some difficult reasons, they are forced to sell. There is a debate among friends now how this will affect prices but my take is, it will go for a free fall but not as bad as the 1st scenario

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