I've been visiting a few property showrooms in Bangkok and quite amazed at their adoption of technology to sell properties. A few years ago when I started working in Thailand, while interviewing for staffs, our out-sourced recruiter who is British remarked to the job applicants how much the Thais can learn from working for a Malaysian technology company. I think it used to be true 7 years ago but the situation must have reversed now. Not to say that the technology is not available in Malaysia, certainly things like touch screen LCD monitors and software booking systems are common stuffs, it is the readiness of the Thai people to use the technology that impresses me.

Take for example, this show room above. Besides employing many people who greets you at the door, pour coffee and show you around, they have 3 LCD screens which among others tells you which units are sold and which are available for sale. Now, compare this with the red stickers in Malaysia while peddling RM1.5million condos in KLCC...

When you touch on the available units, the unit layout pops-out. Further information reveals the unit prices, floor plan, video screening of the facilities available....

... and the actual view of the units.

Besides the beautiful smile of the sales agent and her sweet presentation, my experience at this showroom has been greatly enhanced.
Hopefully, Malaysian developers and property agents will catch up. But so that I won't look like a fool in case you are reading this article in the year 2025, this is 22nd November 2010 in Bangkok, Thailand.
good stuff, but for msian developer
why bother when everyone is buying?
bro,1 of the reason is lots of developer in bangkok are foreign country. they have the budget and more important is they targeting foreign buyer as well. unlike malaysia mostly targeting local buyer.....
not really... most big developers here are local companies, such as sansiri, LPN, major development, preuksa etc. raimon land and AP might have some foreign ownership but they are not the biggest. besides, foreign companies cannot buy land in Thailand, unless they work through a Thai proxy. although this practice is wide spread but it might not be worth the risk for projects that are very large
Mah Sing's Icon launch had similar stuff .. touch screens with LCD screens, etc showing unit location, availability of units, etc
But so far, they've been the only one I've seen ...
got show view?
yup, actual view
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