After you have signed the tenancy agreement, you need to get it stamped. The tenant pays for this. Usually, I have got the lawyers, the real estate agent or sometimes, the tenant themselves to get the document stamped. So years of getting people to do things for me has made me ignorant of this process until now.
Suddenly, I have found myself in the stamping office last week. It is basically the Inland Revenue Board's office - same place where we submit our income tax before the online format is used. Like all government departments, there is a queue and you need to be there during designated times. I was extremely lucky that I got there 10 minutes before they closed for lunch at 12.30pm. If I missed that, I would have to go back at 2.30pm. 2 hour lunch time??
Fortunately the queue moved very quickly. First one has to fill in a form. All the details required are in the tenancy agreement. After submitting the form at the counter, one has to pay the stamping fees which is computed as follows:
1. Monthly rental minus 200
2. Multiply by the number of months rental
3. Divide by 250
4. Add RM10 for the duplicate
So, if you are renting your place for RM2000 over 1 year, the stamp fees is as follows:
1. RM2000 - 200 = 1800
2. RM1800 x 12 = 21,600
3. RM21,600/250 = 86.40
4. RM86.40 + RM10 (1 copy) = RM96.40
Apparently they round the figure up to the nearest Ringgit which explains why I never got any coins change back.
Immediately after the stamping fee is paid, the document is passed into a window beside it. There a lady checks the document and passes it to a guy who operates a stamping machine. He runs your documents through the machine and voila.... it is stamped!
The whole episode was over in less than 15minutes. Only after the tenancy agreement has been stamped, it becomes a legal document.